Imagine the future you can help create.
A gift in your will can create sustainable and life-changing support for local families. No matter the size of your estate, you’ll have a tangible impact on the people in your community and help improve the quality of life for those affected.
Please consider the Alzheimer Society of Calgary in your will.
At a time when the number of diagnoses is increasing dramatically, your donation can make a real difference for local families. Your contribution will help ensure that local people with a diagnosis, caregivers and families have access to support when they need it most.
If you would like more information about leaving a legacy gift to the Alzheimer Society of Calgary, please contact us.
Talk to your advisor
Whether you’re working with legal or financial expertise, please provide them with the following information:
- Legal Name: Alzheimer Society of Calgary
- Charitable Registration Number: 13072 5740 RR0001
- Contact: Karolina Tomiyama , Director of Philanthropy, Alzheimer Calgary | 403-290-0110 | 1-877-569-HELP (4357) | karolinat@alzheimercalgary.ca
How to Plan Your Legacy Gift
There are several options when it comes to planning your legacy gift.
- Update your will to communicate your wishes to your loved ones.
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Gift of life insurance
- Gift of property
- Gift of RRSPs and RRIFs
- Gift of Stocks and Securities
- Charitable Gift Annuities